Teaching like Jesus

When you study Jesus' teaching method, you find that he used every day item and coupled them with a profound message. Like Jesus talked about birds and wildflowers. His hearers would seen those things all the time and been reminded of the teaching. This is a great way for parents to teach Biblical truth. This blog is dedicated to using example from our time and culture. What are the simple, common things around us that can remind us of a Biblical truth.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Is this a familiar sign in your city? It is in Las Vegas. It seem like no city is ever complete. The next time you're stuck in construction traffic remind your family of Paul's familiar verse:

Phil. 1:6
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus

Just as the city is not done with these roads, God is not done with us either. Are there places in your life where you would see construction cones? Perhaps there's more anger than patience. Or maybe there's more criticizing than encouraging.

Let that construction site remind you that "I am a work in progress". Thank God today that He is not done with you yet and praise Him that a day is coming when we will be perfected.